Childe Hassam

You guys, I'm in love.

As anyone who follows my Pinterest page knows, I'm a big fan of pictures of Gilded Age New York. I am also, as it happens, a huge fan of the French impressionists, and Monet in particular. Imagine my joy, then, upon stumbling across the works of Childe Hassam (1859-1935), a prolific American impressionist who painted scores of New York scenes, many of them in winter.

Feast thine eyes on these beauties. (Click on the images to scroll through the carousel.)

Aren't they gorgeous? They are, in order, "Cab Stand at Night", "New York Street, 1902", "Winter Day on Brooklyn Bridge", "Horse Drawn Cabs at Evening", "Late Afternoon New York Winter", and "Fifth Avenue in Winter".

You can find out more about the artist at the Met's website, or Ephemeral New York. Definitely worth checking out. In the meantime, I'm seriously considering getting my hands on a print. "Cab Stand at Night" might be favourite. Which one is yours?

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